Live everyday like there is no tomorrow, this is the party song. Beat sounds like a new producer, maybe even a MySpace producer, very run of the mill. That’s a strong hustle, in theory, but I am sure some little kid is penning that same line for a grade school cipher at lunch time. Rocko asserts that he is busy making and spending his money, so busy that he can’t do mundane tasks like walk and eat. With the right equipment, this beat could be something better. The beat has promise, but sadly, it sounds like Marvelous J only has one keyboard and one machine because this one has the same short comings as the first song. The real want me rich / the haters want me po’ / What you tell them haters / no No NO.

I am amazed that it reached so high on the charts, but at last check it was down to 66 so that’s not a good omen. Unimaginative, disinteresting, non creative, just…I’m out of adjectives. What can I say? From concept, to lyrics, to beat, this is one of the worst songs I have ever heard. The beat seems kinda armature and repetitive. I put a question mark after rap because he is basically singing…and it’s the most annoying thing I’ve listened to lately outside of his lead single. Rocko raps (?) about his love for and quest for money in this song. The song peaked at 15 on Billboard so you draw your own conclusion from that. His lead single is solidly top of my worst songs in the past 20 years list, but everyone has a bad song…at least a song that I don’t like. I don’t know about you, but other than hearing it was coming out, I hadn’t heard much about this CD.